
NFT API Puts NFT Data at Your Fingertips

BlockVision's NFT API allows developers to instantly find, verify, display and rank any NFT across multiple blockchains.


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Simple, ultra fast, low cost, and high performance.

  • 80%

    Cost Savings

  • 99.99%

    Data Stability


Used for NFT detailed basic information query and display scenarios, such as NFT Marketplace.

  • Get metadata for NFTs on multiple blockchains
  • Quickly find the current or previous owner of any NFT
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Used for NFT collection display and market strategy development, such as NFT Gallery & Airdrops Marketing.

  • Query a set of detailed market information of a specific NFT collection
  • Get all the information of the NFT in the collection with one click, including the token ID and URI
  • Get the owner information of an NFT collection and clearly see which account addresses hold the collection
  • Easily get real-time updated floor prices of certain collections
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Used to view various types of activity records of NFTs and accounts to identify opportunities and improve trading strategies, such as NFT Aggregator.

  • Easily obtain complete auction records related to an NFT, an account address, and a collection of NFTs
  • Query all NFT approval events of any address, control account risk and ensure asset security
  • Simply call to get any NFT minting records and transfer records, including historical ones
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Ranking & Analysis

For statistics and analysis of NFT market data in order to discover high-quality users and potential investment opportunities, such as NFT analysis tools and visualization panels.

  • Simple access to popular NFT ranking data, including current NFTs or collections with the highest market capitalization, accounts holding the highest NFT market capitalization, and more
  • Quickly obtain NFT daily trading volume, monthly trading volume and total market trading volume to assist in market forecasting and trend analysis
  • See who the top buyers/sellers across the NFT market are and their volume and number of transactions over a specific time frame
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Use Cases with BlockVision NFT API

  • Check the portfolio of any account

  • Quickly aggregate NFT data into your Marketplace

  • Build your own NFT data visualization panel

  • Track historical positions on any NFT account

  • Develop airdrop and marketing strategies

  • Discover whales and high-quality users

  • Market Statistics and Trend Forecasts

  • License verification of membership rights

  • Easily make your NFT analysis tool